A new parasha shiur, recorded at the Motzei Shabbos Har Nof shiur in Nov. 2021
A new parasha shiur, recorded at the Motzei Shabbos Har Nof shiur in Oct. 2021
A new parasha shiur, recorded at the Motzei Shabbos Har Nof shiur in Oct. 2021
Given in Telz-Stone, Israel, Rabbi Orlofsky discusses the topic of getting too comfortable in Galus.
An overview to Sefer Bereshis culminating in an understanding of the dual roles we are called upon to live as Jews.
What’s wrong with wanting to sit in peace?
If angels have wings, why do they need a ladder?
If Avraham sent away Yishmael, why did Yitzchok keep Aisev at home?
The deep significance of jewelry throughout Chumash.
Why is Avraham given the seemingly random mitzvos of Sotah & Parah Aduma?
Why does Avraham get attacked by vultures during the Bris Bein HaBesarim?
The deeper meaning of clothing in Jewish thought.
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A new parasha shiur, recorded at the Motzei Shabbos Har Nof shiur in Oct. 2021