Rosh Hashanah - Recipes And Inspiration (Ep. 254)

Sponserd by Shawn Karp, CPA.

L’ilui Nishmas:

Tzvi Meir Ben Reb Yehuda - Harold Schechter (Yahrtzeit 24 Elul).

Yissochur Dov Ben Mordechai Yosef HaKohain - Barry Hochdorf (Yahrtzeit 23 Elul).

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The q&a is sponsored by Teenspace. 

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You’re a thoughtful Jewish woman with a thirsty soul. 

It’s been 11 months of war. 11 months of searching for answers and connection.

You know the Torah holds the most satisfying, deep, relevant answers. What would happen if you could actually access them? 

You could change the world! 

You're INVITED! Join the FREE sweet, deep learnfest for growth-oriented women: 

The Rise Into Your Crown Summit V

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Because when a woman is filled with profound, nourishing, healing Torah, and feels a deep connection to Hashem, it overflows naturally onto the world around her…

Featuring 40 leading voices in Jewish education, hosted by Rebbetzin Tamar Taback, including: Rabbis Ben Zion Shafier, Menachem Nissel, Rebbetzins Tzipora Gottlieb, Shira Smiles, Slovie Wolff, Debbie Selengut, Mrs Faigie Zelcer, Sivan Rahav-Meir, Dina Friedman, Lori Palatnik, and many, many more! 

phoneline available. Contact: [email protected]


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[00:00] Intro

[02:22] Rosh Hashanah - Recipes

[14:36] Rosh Hashanah - Inspiration

[49:53] Q&A 1: Hating Reshaim?

[51:26] Q&A 2: Segulos For Ashirus?

[58:30] Q&A 3: Yom Kippur And Makas Arov?

[01:00:58] Outro

[01:01:21] Theme Song


"The Rabbi Orlofsky Show Theme”

Composed and Performed by Lenny Solomon

Learn more at