Yom Kippur - Be Like King David (Ep. 255)
/Sponserd Anonymously in the Zechus of my Shalom Bayis as well as me finding the right place to continue my learning next Zman.
Read MoreSponserd Anonymously in the Zechus of my Shalom Bayis as well as me finding the right place to continue my learning next Zman.
Read MoreSponserd by Beth and Matti Friedman.
In memory of our father Rabbi Milton Nordlicht z”l of Kew Gardens Hills, NY.
Read MoreSponsored by Binyamin A.
Thank You Rabbi Orlofsky for your inspiring, meaningful and humorous podcast!
It's one of the only Torah/Jewish podcasts I can listen to from beginning to end.
I'm a huge fan and also agree that the show must go on!
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Read More🤗 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read MoreSponsored by Lillian & Sandy Shapiro
L’ilui Nishmas our parents:
יחיאל בן יוסף יהודה
שיינדל בת ישראל יואל
חיים דוב בן יצחק אייזיק
מלכה בת שמואל זאב
Read MoreSponsored by Lillian & Sandy Shapiro
L’ilui Nishmas our parents:
יחיאל בן יוסף יהודה
שיינדל בת ישראל יואל
חיים דוב בן יצחק אייזיק
מלכה בת שמואל זאב
Read MoreSponsored Anonymously as a Zechus for a Zivug Hagun at the right time for the donor and for all those in Klal Yisrael who are looking for a Shidduch.
Read MoreI’m a Mesivta Bachur who really enjoys your show.
So this is to thank you for your positive influence in so many people’s lives.
You should be Zoche to health wealth and the time to enjoy it.
Read MoreSponsored by Mindy Fried.
L’Ilui Nishmas Moshe ben Tzvi O”H.
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read MoreSponsored by Sniper Studios.
Sniper Studios is the premier destination for full-scale production services. Whether it's for your school play or camp performance, we've got you covered with top-of-the-line sound systems, wireless microphones, custom computerized theater lighting, and regal drapery to adorn your stage.
Contact us at [email protected] and experience perfection on the first shot with Sniper Studios.
Read MoreSponsored by Tzippy Schiller.
I want to support your cause as I recall your classes with nostalgia and warmth.
The ability to simplify the esoteric words that seemed so beyond our everyday lives and somehow with humor and wit and sincerity made it relevant to the present day reality.
All the best!
Read MoreSponsored by Yisrael Schwartz
In memory of Reuven Tzvi Ben Menachem Yitzchok who is always in our hearts.
For a Refuah Shleimah to Ouriel Ben Tzipora’s and Lavi Ben Shiran.
In memory of all who died in this war and a Zechus for all the hostages.
Read More🤗 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More🤗 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read MoreSponsored by the Lakewood Chabura.
Thank you Rabbi Orlofsky for agreeing to come give Chizzuk to our Chabura in Lakewood this week, We are excitingly looking forward!
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read MoreSponsored by Yehuda and Chana Kravetz.
Thank you for enhancing our Shabbos preparations and our Melave Malka with your Divrei Torah and Divrei Chizuk.
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read MoreSponsored anonymously.
Thank you very much for all the great Shiurim and the Chizzuk. Hatzlacha!
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read MoreSponsored L’ilui Nishmas
Shlomo Ben Avigdor Moshe Fried.
Malka Bas Moshe Fried.
Yitzchak Yaakov Ben Eliyahu Grunberger.
Rivka Bas Gavriel Chaim Grunberger.
Zev Ben Yehuda Leib Weinstein.
And A Refuah Shelaimah
Meir Binyomin Ben Chaya Sara.
May Hashem send Yeshuos and Nechamos to all of Klal Yisrael.
By Avigdor Moshe and Mindy Fried.
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read MoreThe official website of Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky. Browse hundreds of free audio shiurim, articles, and more!
Sponsored by Rachel Raz - In honor of my husband Yisroel Raz's birthday.
Sponsored by Shmuli Rozenburg Lillui Nishmas Bracha Charna Bas Meir Shamai.