The State of the State of Israel (Ep. 233)
/Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky’s thoughts on Yom HaShoa, Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut.
Read MoreRabbi Dovid Orlofsky’s thoughts on Yom HaShoa, Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut.
Read MoreSponsored by Yisrael Schwartz
In memory of Reuven Tzvi Ben Menachem Yitzchok who is always in our hearts.
For a Refuah Shleimah to Ouriel Ben Tzipora’s and Lavi Ben Shiran.
In memory of all who died in this war and a Zechus for all the hostages.
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Read MoreSponsored by the Lakewood Chabura.
Thank you Rabbi Orlofsky for agreeing to come give Chizzuk to our Chabura in Lakewood this week, We are excitingly looking forward!
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreSponsored by Yehuda and Chana Kravetz.
Thank you for enhancing our Shabbos preparations and our Melave Malka with your Divrei Torah and Divrei Chizuk.
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreSponsored anonymously.
Thank you very much for all the great Shiurim and the Chizzuk. Hatzlacha!
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Read MoreSponsored L’ilui Nishmas
Shlomo Ben Avigdor Moshe Fried.
Malka Bas Moshe Fried.
Yitzchak Yaakov Ben Eliyahu Grunberger.
Rivka Bas Gavriel Chaim Grunberger.
Zev Ben Yehuda Leib Weinstein.
And A Refuah Shelaimah
Meir Binyomin Ben Chaya Sara.
May Hashem send Yeshuos and Nechamos to all of Klal Yisrael.
By Avigdor Moshe and Mindy Fried.
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreSponsored in honor of my parents 37th anniversary and L’ilui Nishmas Bentzion Michoel Ben Baruch Shimon.
Thank you Rabbi for sharing Divrei Torah in a way that makes it accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
Naami and Shimmy.
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Read MoreSponsored Anonymously.
Thank you Rabbi for the smiles and Chizuk - such a special gift to us all.
May you and your family be blessed abundantly.
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreSponsored by Moshe Grossman
Hi Rebbi! Hashem should give you strength to continue your great work.
Thank you for encouraging us to be a part of it!
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreSponsored in honor of Rabbi Orlofsky's dream to open a seminary, and in honor of Mommy, Daddy, Rachel, Gittel, Esther, Zev, Bracha Ora, and Shira!
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreSponsored in honor of Yisrael Klein’s Bar Mitzvah.
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreDue to the situation in Eretz Yisrael, the Gedolim have advised to work on our Shmiras Shabbos.
Rabbi Orlofsky has decided to make the next few episodes about this important topic, in order to help us learn more and be Mischazek in our Shmiras Shabbos.
Read MoreSponsored anonymously In honor of the greatest magic shiur!
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreDue to the situation in Eretz Yisrael, the Gedolim have advised to work on our Shmiras Shabbos.
Rabbi Orlofsky has decided to make the next few episodes about this important topic, in order to help us learn more and be Mischazek in our Shmiras Shabbos.
Sponsored anonymously in honor or Rabbi Orlofsky's birthday!
Also, as a zechus for hatzlocha in all inyonim.
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreDue to the situation in Eretz Yisrael, the Gedolim have advised to work on our Shmiras Shabbos.
Rabbi Orlofsky has decided to make the next few episodes about this important topic, in order to help us learn more and be Mischazek in our Shmiras Shabbos.
Sponsored by Shas for Shidduchim. is a national initiative of ChesedChicago that gives singles, along with their friends or family members, an impactful way to generate Shidduchim.
ChesedChicago has gathered hundreds of Lomdim to complete all of Shas in 24 hours, as a z’chus for Klal Yisroel’s singles.
Secure your Zchus, at code “ORLOFSKY”!
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreDue to the situation in Eretz Yisrael, the Gedolim have advised to work on our Shmiras Shabbos.
Rabbi Orlofsky has decided to make the next few episodes about this important topic, in order to help us learn more and be Mischazek in our Shmiras Shabbos.
Sponsored by Shas for Shidduchim. is a national initiative of ChesedChicago that gives singles, along with their friends or family members, an impactful way to generate Shidduchim.
ChesedChicago has gathered hundreds of Lomdim to complete all of Shas in 24 hours, as a z’chus for Klal Yisroel’s singles.
Secure your Zchus, at code “ORLOFSKY”!
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreDue to the situation in Eretz Yisrael, the Gedolim have advised to work on our Shmiras Shabbos.
Rabbi Orlofsky has decided to make the next few episodes about this important topic, in order to help us learn more and be Mischazek in our Shmiras Shabbos.
Sponsored by Yoel & Ahuva Schmell As a Zchus for Klal Yisroel and Hodaa to Hashem.
🤗 Sponsorship opportunities:
Read MoreDue to the situation in Eretz Yisrael, the Gedolim have advised to work on our Shmiras Shabbos.
Rabbi Orlofsky has decided to make the next few episodes about this important topic, in order to help us learn more and be Mischazek in our Shmiras Shabbos.
Read MoreThe official website of Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky. Browse hundreds of free audio shiurim, articles, and more!
Sponsored by Rachel Raz - In honor of my husband Yisroel Raz's birthday.
Sponsored by Shmuli Rozenburg Lillui Nishmas Bracha Charna Bas Meir Shamai.